In 2022, eSky Group, owner of the travel booking platform, recorded record financial results. The company owes the increase in EBITDA by almost half and sales by 78% higher than in 2021 to dynamically growing revenues in European markets, especially Central and Eastern Europe. The number of new customers also grewfaster year-on-year, from 2.2 million in 2021 to 3.1 million in 2022.

Source: eSky Group financial data
The two years to 2022 showed that we have a very competitive business, which is reflected in the financial condition of our company - we closed 2021 with an EBITDA of EUR 14.7 million and improved it by as much as 42% a year later. We estimated that 2023 would be successful for the entire travel industry. This is already translating into further growth of the company's profit - in the 1st quarter of 2023 we recorded over EUR 6.6 million EBITDA.
Łukasz Habaj, CEO of eSky Group
Central and Eastern Europe have the highest growth dynamics

Source: financial data of eSky Group
Our cooperation with the MCI investment fund and the company's five-year strategy is to become a leader in the CEE region, so that eSky becomes the first-choice platform for travel booking. We are actively investing in marketing activities, technology, improving customer service and further process automation, all of which will help us to to manage travel demand as efficiently as possible. Our financial results are the result of the entire team's efforts, which led us to increase revenues in the CEE region by 114% in 2022 compared to 2021.
Łukasz Habaj, CEO of eSky Group
Dynamic package sales up sharply
We are building our position as a one-stop travel platform, developing our services to fully meet the needs of the modern customer. Our key product is no longer just flights, but also City Break and Holiday packages. We place great importance on a flexible dynamic package offers – a solution that is already very popular in many Western European countries. As such, we are very pleased that traditional travel agencies in Poland see the potential of this product and are slowly starting to implement it in their offers. This will certainly contribute to the popularisation of this form of travel planning among customers. We should be the beneficiaries of this change due to the fact that technologically we are much more advanced than most players on the Polish market.
Łukasz Habaj, CEO of eSky Group